vSRM – E-Mail and SMS Services2019-02-18T21:31:17+03:00

vSRM – E-Mail and SMS Services

Your suppliers are immediately informed about all changes by e-mail or SMS. When a new order is created or an order is revised, the notification e-mail which contains the summary of the changes is automatically sent. The notification E-mails and SMS with completely configurable content, can also be selectively assigned for certain suppliers and users through parametric settings.

vSRM Platform’s structure allows you to maintain interactive relations with your suppliers. As soon as your suppliers log in the system, they see a summary screen which summarizes the new orders and the modified orders; and they can see the summary of the changes in the supply schedule at first sight. Active warning mechanisms are supported with e-mail and SMS. So, your supplier will not be obliged to continuously check the system to be informed on the changes. Changes are notified to their e-mail boxes. When a new order is created or an order is revised, new notes or documents are added, the notification e-mail which contains the summary of the changes is automatically sent. The supplier can click on the link of the mail he/she receives, log in the system and monitor the details of the change on the system. With a completely customizable structure, the content of notification e-mails is filled in by the system. The notification e-mails to be activated or inactivated on supplier and user basis can be parametrically defined.

SMS warning mechanisms can also be used for the supplier representatives who are continuously on travel. Under which conditions to send the SMS messages that are communicated by our contracted service providers who realize batch SMS delivery can also be parametrically defined. So, your suppliers will be informed of the changes without losing time, regardless of where they are.

The system has an endocentric messaging feature to release common supplier announcement. When there is a supplier-specific or bulk message, announcement or notification that you wish to communicate all suppliers, you can release this notification to hundreds of suppliers at once. Your suppliers see this announcement as soon as they are connected to vSRM. As all announcements are recorded, when and which announcements you make to your suppliers can also be monitored.

To summarize, all modern communication channels are used by vSRM Platform to inform the suppliers.